"En octobre 2018, je suis partie pour un mois à l’extérieur du pays. J’ai amené ma chienne Plouf chez Claude sans aucune inquiétude. Elle avait déjà séjourné au chenil Sanssouci à deux reprises et tout s’était très bien passé. Ma chienne est une chienne parfois nerveuse en compagnie d’autres chiens. Après le séjour d’un mois, elle était beaucoup plus calme, moins réactive et en pleine forme ! Claude s’est admirablement occupé de Plouf et je le recommande sans réserve !"
-- Elisabeth Crozier
Feb. 2 2019
We have used Claude’s kennel services for 2 years now, always for long term stays.
We have two Frenchies (Hank and Lola) and sometimes I think they enjoy being at the Karefree Kennel more than home.
We have come to refer to their stays there as “going to camp”. They leap out of the car when we arrive, excited and without the signs of anxiety that usually accompany kennel drop offs. This is so comforting to us as Hank and Lola don’t enjoy socializing with other dogs very much.
When we pick them up they are calm, clean, and look so well taken care of.
I toured the kennels on my first visit and they are spic and span, not too cool or hot, and have appropriate sized/stocked spaces for dogs of all sizes and breeds.
Claude is professional and friendly, and also very easy to communicate with. He always texts back within minutes and will send us photo updates of our fur babies.
We love Karefree Kennel!
Gaelyn E.
Oct. 2 - 2018
My German Shepherd puppy, Astrid, was limping quite badly. I thought it was just a sprain but, when there had been no improvement after a month, I began to worry. Claude suggested that the cause was growing pains: the food which I was giving Astrid was too high in protein and she was growing too rapidly. He recommended a lower protein dog food. I was somewhat reluctant to change Astrid's food -- German Shepherd have notoriously sensitive stomachs -- but Claude volunteered to get the food and to make the changeover during Astrid's upcoming stay at his kennels. That way, he could monitor the transition. I came back from my trip to find my puppy no longer limping. As an added bonus, my dog food bills have gone down!
Astrid is a second generation boarder at Claude's kennels. She is getting the same personal, high-quality care that my previous dog received. The kennels are 'Kare-free' in the sense of alleviating dog-owners' worries about leaving their pets -- but should perhaps be renamed 'Premium Kare' in the sense of the individual attention each dog receives!
S. Pothecary
My experience at Chenil Sans Souci has been terrific. Claude has been thoughtful helpful and very canine intuitive. Let me tell you my story. I have a very dog aggressive Australian Shepherd who I needed to find a bording kennel for. I phoned many kennels in the area. Some would not accept an aggressive dog and those who did charged big bucks.
When I spoke to Claude he was very honest and worried about the dogs well being stating he would let her come for a short while but if she was to stressed he would ask me to take her home as he would not want her to have a bad experience. However with Claudes help and experience Aurora not only enjoyed her time but has also become more accepting of other dogs. Claudes kennel is quiet and calm and because it is smaller each dog gets personal time with Claude and his vast experience and knowledge make each dogs visit a great one. I recommend this kennel and my dog Aurora does too.
T. Wygerde
Feb. 13 2017
I had never left Stella in a kennel before 2017. But when I moved to the Wakefield area and I had to travel for work, I decided to try Claude and his services. She is an older dog who now has diabetes. Claude looks after her as he would his own dog I believe. She always come back with more spirit and energy than when I leave her which makes me feel confident that she is well looked after and she has a really enjoyable time. Most importantly i don’t have the guilt that I thought I would. I am planning on moving back to the Pontiac but I will drive the extra kilometres to have Stella stay with Claude when i need to travel.
T. Robinson
November, 2016
"I brought my dog, Paige, to Karefree Kennel after previous kennel experiences did not go well due to her aggressiveness. Claude met with us and immediately determined it was fear aggression and she would be fine as long her quirks were understood and she only played with dogs that would not provoke the negative behaviour. After this, Paige had many enjoyable stays with Claude, all with good reports. For the first time I could go away knowing she was getting the best boarding care.
Unfortunately due to health reasons, I came to a decision when Paige was 6 that I could no longer care for her. While I was devastated, Claude went much beyond the responsibilities of a kennel owner and was instrumental in finding Paige a new home with the Collie Rescue Network. For this I am forever grateful & so, I'm sure, is Paige.
I have had several dogs and have experienced many kennels. Claude provides the individual attention and care you just don't find at other kennels. He is truly a dog whisperer."
-- Liz MacMurdo (Chelsea QC)
Nous sommes enchantés de tous les services offerts par Claude. Il connaît extrêmement bien tous les aspects des chiens, incluant les traits et les besoins des différentes races, ainsi que les caractères particuliers de certains canins qui lui sont confiés. Le chenil est propre et bien aéré, et son emplacement à la campagne donne à nos chiens amplement de place et de liberté pour s’amuser lorsqu’ils vont dehors. Cubby est toujours heureux de voir Claude, ce qui rend la séparation tellement plus facile. -- Pamela et Michel Picher | |||
"Chenil Sans-souci. Le nom dit tout! Lorsque nous confions nos chiens à Claude, nous n’avons ni inquiétude ni souci par rapport à leur bien-être. Non seulement aime-t-il les animaux, mais il les comprend aussi. À tel point que notre Jack Russell est devenu plus sociable et plus obéissant en présence d’autres chiens grâce à lui. Tout un exploit!
Si nous partons pour plus de quelques jours, Claude entre même nos chiens dans sa maison de temps en temps pour leur donner congé du chenil. Ce qui est probablement le plus important, c’est que lorsque les chiens doivent prendre des médicaments pour une raison quelconque, nous savons que Claude va les leur donner avec autant de soin et d’attention que nous le faisons nous-mêmes. Le chenil Sans-souci - selon nous, c’est le meilleur endroit possible pour votre chien." -- Bobby et Alison Watt, Masham, Québec | |||
"Je fais des voyages de dernière minute, partant souvent pendant de longues périodes. Claude est une bénédiction. Il est prêt à prendre ma chienne, un berger allemand avec beaucoup d’énergie, peu importe mon horaire. Aussi longtemps que je suis partie, je sais qu’elle aura l’exercice dont elle a besoin en jouant avec d’autres chiens. Claude connaît la personnalité des chiens qui lui sont confiés et les jumelle pour jouer. De plus, Claude m’a donné plusieurs conseils relatifs au régime et à l’entraînement grâce auxquels Sheba est devenue la chienne heureuse et en santé qu’elle est aujourd’hui. "
-- Dr Sarah Pothecary (cliente depuis 2004) www.strabo.ca | |||
"J’ai fait affaire avec des chenils dans trois différents pays et celui de Claude est le meilleur que j’ai vu. Mon travail m’oblige à voyager constamment et Claude m’aide en amenant mes chiens chez le vétérinaire ou chez le toiletteur. Ils reviennent toujours propres et en santé. Claude est très flexible et me permet de lui amener mes chiens et de retourner les chercher selon mon horaire de voyage. Mais la meilleure recommandation que je puisse donner est que mes chiens sont toujours heureux de voir Claude et s’adaptent tout de suite. Je ne pourrais pas travailler et voyager comme je le fais sans ses bons services."
-- Dr Louise Klein | |||
"Les chiens savent qui les aime - chaque fois que nous arrivons près du chenil Sans-souci, Baron branle la queue avec frénésie tant il a hâte de revoir Claude.".
-- Ron Moores, animateur, The Back 40 (CKCU 93.1 FM) |